We are committed at Nottingham Care Village to providing fully integrated health and social care service in a home from home environment that fosters mutual respect for the rights and dignity of all. Our care practices reflect a person centred approach and each resident will have a dedicated and readily identified key carer to ensure their well being at all times. The home will operate a fully computerised care management and care planning system to ensure prompt, accurate and efficient attention to the individual needs of each resident.
The home will run a busy mixed and stimulating activity programme, with both in house facilities such as the hairdresser, reflexologist, massage therapy, beauty treatments and visiting professionals for chiropody and other services as required. When the weather permits the home will run fully supervised visits to local attractions and places of interest as suitable to each resident.
Addressing the individual and varied needs of each resident will be at the heart of the activity programme, mixing both physical and intellectual stimulation as suitable to each resident. The programme will be discussed and agreed with each resident and their family and regularly monitored.